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The Smart Cities course will be organized at “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, in colaboration with TechLounge, Wyliodrin, and with Orange as the main partener of the Summer School.

It is centered around tehnologies needed to create smart solutions for the Smart City of tomorrow, with focus on IoT, and mobile development.

The course provides a thorough review of how the user can benefit from creating and using IoT projects. After following the course and laboratories, the student should understand the concept of IoT, be able to make a project involving sensors, embedded boards and use the data stored locally or in the Cloud.

Also, the mobile part will make an analysis of what PhoenGap means and how it can be used to make applications.

studenti/summer-schools/2016/smartcities.1465045381.txt.gz · Ultima modificare: 2016/06/04 16:03 de către daniel.rosner