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Network Security and Design Summer School

Join us for an immersive and comprehensive Network Security and Design Summer School, where participants will delve into the exciting world of network security, configuration, architecture, and design. This intensive program is designed for students and professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in securing and optimizing network infrastructures.

Course Overview: The Network Security and Design Summer School provides a unique opportunity to explore the fundamental concepts, methodologies, and best practices in network security and design. Participants will engage in hands-on activities, practical workshops, and interactive discussions.

Alte Detalii:

  • Locație: Facultatea de Matematică și Informatică, UniBuc, sala Google (sala 214)
  • Data: 24 - 27 iulie
  • Mentor: Cosmin Stefan, Codrut Ciulacu
  • Cerințe necesare: Java, Kotlin, Android Basics, Basic Programming Skills, Algorithms and Data Structures

Enroll now for Network Security and Design Summer School: Enroll NSDSS

studenti/summer-schools/2023/networking.1686583702.txt.gz · Ultima modificare: 2023/06/12 18:28 de către flavia.oprea