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studenti:summer-schools:2015:ip-workshop [2015/06/08 14:31]
studenti:summer-schools:2015:ip-workshop [2020/07/19 13:49]
Linia 1: Linia 1:
-= IP Workshop = 
-== Period == 
-3 August - 16 August 2015 
-== Website == 
-== Summary == 
-The IP Workshop Summer School will take place between August 3 and August 16 2015 in Targu Mures, at the Sapientia University. 
-== Application == 
-Applications are available on eventbrite http://www.twitter.com/home?status=I+am+attending+https://www.eventbrite.com/e/scoala-de-vara-ip-workshop-2015-tickets-16922544787?ref=estw 
-== Location & Schedule == 
-Sapientia University, Targu Mures 
-The program is online at https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=ipworkshop.ro_phbh0e0u71u2v04f6gp29n66ns%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Bucharest  
-== Courses == 
-* Design 
-* Internet of Things 
-* Introduction to Linux 
-* Angular JS 
-* Introduction to HTML 
-* Games for iOS 
-* Android 
-* Networking 
-== Team == 
-* Alexandru Radovici 
-* Ioana Culic 
-* Valentina Vultur 
studenti/summer-schools/2015/ip-workshop.txt · Ultima modificare: 2020/07/19 13:49 (editare externă)