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studenti:summer-schools:2024:privacy [2024/06/11 15:37]
flavia.oprea creat
studenti:summer-schools:2024:privacy [2024/12/16 10:32] (curent)
Linia 6: Linia 6:
 The Machine Learning Security and Privacy Summer School will educate students on the vulnerabilities of machine learning architectures, including jailbreaking, data stealth, GenAI worms, and physical attacks. The course will also cover practical defense mechanisms to safeguard the privacy and security of these architectures. Participants will engage in hands-on activities and interactive discussions. No prior knowledge of artificial intelligence is required. The Machine Learning Security and Privacy Summer School will educate students on the vulnerabilities of machine learning architectures, including jailbreaking, data stealth, GenAI worms, and physical attacks. The course will also cover practical defense mechanisms to safeguard the privacy and security of these architectures. Participants will engage in hands-on activities and interactive discussions. No prior knowledge of artificial intelligence is required.
 +**Day 1**:
 +  * Python 101
 +  * PyTorch vs TensorFlow
 +  * JAX
 +  * Prompt Engineering
 +**Day 2**:
 +  * Introduction to Machine Learning
 +  * Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
 +  * Training and Evaluating ML Models 
 +  * Neural Networks
 +  * Model Interpretability and Adversarial Attacks
 +**Day 3**:
 +  * Data Anonymizations
 +  * Privacy Preserving Architectures
 +  * Attacks on Machine Learning Architectures
 +  * How to jailbreak a LLM?
 **Other Details:** **Other Details:**
Linia 13: Linia 32:
 Register now for Machine Learning Security and Privacy Summer School: [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rrR-cJ4169uz11kZ8g_Z8LJqrZyAt2FDuL1WVn86_kY/ |Register for MLSP Summer School]] Register now for Machine Learning Security and Privacy Summer School: [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rrR-cJ4169uz11kZ8g_Z8LJqrZyAt2FDuL1WVn86_kY/ |Register for MLSP Summer School]]
 +Security Summer School is organized by the security community at the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, supported by our industry partners: Keysight Technologies Romania (our main industry partner)
studenti/summer-schools/2024/privacy.1718109450.txt.gz · Ultima modificare: 2024/06/11 15:37 de către flavia.oprea