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studenti:summer-schools:2024:privacy [2024/06/17 08:29]
studenti:summer-schools:2024:privacy [2024/12/16 10:32] (curent)
Linia 8: Linia 8:
 **Day 1**: **Day 1**:
- * Python 101 +  * Python 101 
- * PyTorch vs TensorFlow +  * PyTorch vs TensorFlow 
- * JAX +  * JAX 
- * Prompt Engineering+  * Prompt Engineering
 **Day 2**: **Day 2**:
Linia 32: Linia 32:
 Register now for Machine Learning Security and Privacy Summer School: [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rrR-cJ4169uz11kZ8g_Z8LJqrZyAt2FDuL1WVn86_kY/ |Register for MLSP Summer School]] Register now for Machine Learning Security and Privacy Summer School: [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rrR-cJ4169uz11kZ8g_Z8LJqrZyAt2FDuL1WVn86_kY/ |Register for MLSP Summer School]]
 +Security Summer School is organized by the security community at the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, supported by our industry partners: Keysight Technologies Romania (our main industry partner)
studenti/summer-schools/2024/privacy.1718602191.txt.gz · Ultima modificare: 2024/06/17 08:29 de către razvan.rughinis